Win a trip to Kenya and become an ambassador for developmental help issues

Today we received an email by one of our readers (thanks Annegret!) pointing out to us a wonderful opportunity to win a trip to Kenya and help promote first hand the developmental help concepts that are currently being applied in the area of Kakamega. This sub-Saharan region of Africa suffers from the age-old problems of hunger, poverty, poor maternal health, a worrysome spreading of HIV and a shortness of clean drinking water. A more recent but powerful addition to this problem pool is climate change. Humanitarian entrepreneur company Vestergaard Frandsen have partnered up with Women Deliver to tackle these problems based on an innovative model. To help spread the word about this model and the circumstances in Kenya, 2 female bloggers are being given the opportunity to win an all-expenses paid trip to Kenya where they will visit the villages in question and learn all there is to know about the problems of the region as well as the help on offer.

The condition to participate is as simple as it is smart: you are required to be a 21 to 35-year-old female blogger who is interested in developmental and women’s issues and eager to use your blog as a platform to share with your readers what you’ve learned in Kenya.

If this is you,  consider sending in an application here, we’ve done it too.

Best of luck to everyone!

photo via Eric Lafforgue


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