California. Where my Travel Addiction Began.

California. Where my Travel Addiction Began.


I am an explorer.
I crave adventure.
I seek the unknown.

This is what is in me. This is what keeps me moving. This is why I hate to backtrack. An example of my habit/condition/lifestyle – after a recent trip to Sochi for the Winter Olympics I continued heading east until east became west again. Around the world all because of the freedom and adventure that comes with exploring.

So why am I this way?


Enjoying one amazing sunset with friends where my travel addiction began.

Growing up in a small town in Northern Canada I was very isolated from the rest of the world. I knew of rocks, trees, long winters and not much else. Little did I know at the time, this was actually a blessing. Our first family vacation was to California, a place I knew nothing about let alone existed. To be fair I was 4 years old yet I remember the trip with vivid clarity. The beaches, the waves, the sunshine, the warmth – It was all so foreign to me yet so inviting. The people, the sounds, the smells – I was fascinated. I remember loving the open road along the coast and the beautiful scenery that came with it. I remember eating at roadside diners and trying fish tacos for the first time. I remember loving the ocean until my father made me drink the salt water. A cruel joke yes, but an early lesson that made me curious. I wondered what else was out there. My eyes were opened to just how big the world is and all I wanted to do was make it smaller.

I would never be the same.

This appetite to explore has grown exponentially since then. A steady diet of world travel has only made me hungrier. I have been to 5 continents and over 40 countries. I have hiked glaciers in Iceland and tobogganed in Vietnam. I have watched football games in San Francisco and Buenos Aires. I have attended concerts in the Pacific Northwest and water puppet shows in Southeast Asia. I have experienced all of this because of that first trip to California.

Travel Addiction roots: Erin and I enjoying some California sun circa 2008

As I said, I hate to back track. Returning to California (home of my travel addiction) however, will never get old. From the sprawling beaches of Santa Barbara to the bright lights and movie studios of Burbank, California will always entertain. With Coast Hotels and their #GreatCoastRoadTrip I am returning to where my love of travel began to find out exactly what was so inspiring to me.

30 years ago California blew my mind and 30 years later I am still putting the pieces back together. The Golden State is home to sunny days, Hollywood dreams, and in my case, a travel addiction I just can’t kick.

And I never will because:

I am an explorer.
I crave adventure.
I seek the unknown.

All thanks to California.

Getting to my travel addiction roots with the #GreatCoastRoadTrip is courtesy of Coast Hotels. Come along at or through the social media links below.


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